Downloaded... time to check out some new maps :D!
I <3 You
ar u sure ur drunk cause i think most of ur stuff looks splet right :D
furby = no brains This is some epic stuff right here. U should like copyright it or somptin
my eyes -_-
lmfao :D my best guess ^^
im gona have to go with outskirts :)
LoL.. funny post :) I kinda agree and kinda dont. I agree to a cirtian point, yes some mlg maps are symetrical to balance out power. But maps...
I think the link works, but the map is gone off your file share
Nice maps, I will try both out tommorow, and most likely they will be used, thankyou :D
If you ask me, interlocking is mainly for looks, only a small portion is for game play.
Well, Im trying to think of a prize i could give out, but none have come to mind that i could actually give someone on line or on xbl. I have...
Well, its about making a competitive map :O
If its made by June 5th, just send me a link, id be glad to check it out
I have lots of Halo 3 Lan Parties at my house, and I'm getting bored of the same couple of maps. I would like new maps that are good for 12~16...
whats the recomended players for this map?