My name is Jesus Christ and well I am planning on dieing for everyones sins.
Soul Calibur IV is one of my favorite games to date. I love using its character creator to make fictional characters, an example would be Faith,...
Anybody here addicted to this game? Who is your favorite character? How good are you with this character? I sure am UBERLY addicted to this...
[IMG] Tell me what you think.
This is a small map, its not meant for large parties. The map is a two floor long bridge like map. It is perfectly a symmectrical map. There are...
Actually I've never thought fo flipping the boxes before thanks for that tip guys
Gemini is one of my favorite Halo 2 maps so I had an idea. why not use the best of my ability to remake it on foundry. here are some pictures of...
this is my second map I've posted here still just learning how to embed stuff though thanks for the advice though
Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer A clan that I'm in is having a contest to see who can make the best clan meeting area. and it was required that it must...
the only true ninja is me you FAIL
I'm so Downloading
sorry I just joined Forge Hub today and thanks for the advice on adding pics and Gameplay videos instead of just videos showing you around I'll do...
This is a map I'am really proud of. Every one who has played this map has loved it design here is a link to my file share...