First thing first, map design itself is not bad at all. Some geometry and interlocking changes can be made to smooth out gameplay. The holes. Fill...
Yes, it's another Assembly forged towards MLG and it's gameplay. I know we have seen a ton of these and I had to make one because of all the nifty...
I had a version one time that was on Standoff and used a Gauss Cannon. Then I saw something along this nature on a youtube vid. It definitely...
Not necessarily testing them. More like just seeing where I spawn. Should of stated that more clearly. It's not any type of scientific testing...
Ok. I didn't actually "play" on this map. Mainly because I didn't have anyone on I felt like playing with. So I loaded it with "MLG FFA" settings...
It is not as hard as you think. Speed is left the same I think. But gravity is increased. No nades on the map, so that leaves you with the 2 frags...
^^^This^^^ The one I had (deleted it because I needed room :/) actually played really really well when you used the correct gametype. I wonder if...
They don't like much of anything on this forum......
Don't know if bumping this is bad or not, but................. I had some friends with me last night after checking out some other maps. They...
You are absolutely maniacal. I originally started this on my own. I don't know how many times I got splattered. You really need to think outside...
Maybe I should of been a little more critical about tearing apart and diagnosing this ramp map instead of simply stating it looks cool enough to...
I'm going to check this out. Amazing post for a first timer. Add me if you ever wanna learn some stuff or maybe just mess around. Gamertag is my...
A practically empty map, a bad post, and Elites running around with swords. facepalm.jpg At least he embedded the pics. :P
lol, this looks silly enough just to try. :P
I see the basis for something great here. (A lot of this popping up lately.) But it needs some work. At this stage, it looks "boring".
I have about 3 "other versions" of Archetype in some stage of development. But I don't have much time for Forge anymore. My Wifey went back to...
I'll check it out. It looks even smaller then my 1v1 map Archetype. I see potential in this design. But it needs a lot.
This map has A LOT of potential. I'm DL it this way anyhow to mess around with it. I smell a hint of possible epicness if handled correctly.
I will be referring to this quite often. My interest in puzzle maps has been re-awoken. I am having trouble finding the "puzzle ball" maps that...
I got through the easy one. Medium had me thinking. I am completely stuck at the beginning of Hard. But then again, I barely had a chance to play...