"ForgeHub, internets most intelligent group of people apart from apes."
:D Yea I change my background a lot, 90% of the pics come from FH.
Thats funny. I would have taken two pictures one with hud and one without. Then I would have photoshopped the hud off and kept the "Hold RB to...
Thats awsome. I had seen your warthog before and this too, look really cool and origional. I hope to see more of these "pimped" vehicles, they're...
Possibly having to do with the first line of the shows theme song? Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Now obviously pineapple is...
What I was going to say exactly. But if you really want to tk and lag, I would try downloading on a second account, or using a freinds would...
The best thing to do would be to set static IPs, this would have its negatives, but I belive that what you are doing could be easily accomplished...
Although this ad would probably bring idiots, and assholes, this ad would also bring the other side as well, the quality, devoted, active members...
Looks like he's high-fiving it. lol
Those all look hella sick. Silver replaced my desktop background. :D
Honestly, chances are, someone is going to find a way out/discover an exploit or two.
the wraith pic is beast. The one under it actually looks like a sniper rifle in a fps, although its kind-of abstract. :/
I remember reading somthing in G.I. about games with strange acronyms for name are never successful, I hope this one is, looks cool.
Yea this happens to me a lot too. I'm almost positive the reason is you just hit that rank, or at least that would make sense on my account.
Nice uh, capitalization of every word there, it really...makes sense.
Bioshock. I've had my fill of funny/ironic endings. I loved it because it made me feel the way I used to when I beat a game, not like woo-hoo I...
I beg to differ. [IMG]
I just beat it a while ago, don't think I could do it again though. But I'm considering trying again and then posting the I beat the game vid on...
Agreed. I'm not even a fan of elites and that would be pure epic.