I might be getting it from a friend that has a legal version of it soon... She doesn't use it anymore, her mom bought it for her one day. But for...
Alright, my ideas are: Fearce, Epique, Infinix, and Vortechs
Yeah, one of my friends is just like that. Him and I were thinking about starting something. He is really good with a pen and paper and I...
That looks awesome! I am thinking about trying to start a clothing line myself. I actually just started getting into it yesterday... I have some...
Yeah...and as of right now I am not sending my designs to any companies lol. Im just an average kid looking to see what he can do with an idea....
Thats pretty cool actually ptto911. I would probably be designing my own things so i don't know how much that would benefit me. Thanks!
Alright! Thank you so much! I am going to go download this stuff on my computer... (Im on my laptop right now) I'll message you if I have any...
Thanks for all the help guys! Okay, so I need illustrator. Does anyone think they could possibly find a torrent or something for me? I know I...
If you search "clothes design software" on google it comes up with some software programs. They just don't seem to appeal to me. I was hoping...
Hey, I am interested in starting my own clothing line... Obviously I am only 18 so it would probably be really hard for it to actually happen but...
Waiting for you to get on bro... It's been a few days now.
I'm ready to play whenever you get on... I check every once in a while to see if you are on.
He hasn't reported my match yet dewski...
Yeah, I sent him a message asking how I should handle it.
Hey, if you get a chance do you think you could confirm the 1v1? Thanks, I have a lot of fun and it was a good game.
Hey, if you get a chance do you think you could confirm the match? Thanks a lot, it was a good game, I had fun.
Hey, can you please confirm the 1v1? Thank you!
I have 3 awaiting confirmation. I am curious as to if I will move. No one ever confirms the matches lol.
1v1 question :: What if the other person does not confirm that they won/lost? Do you have to go check them out yourself or something?