Doubles help I'm up for it Kaya. 37 right now, I think.
Wow... I really like the one where the spartan is running through the street. The shadow could use a little work, a little jagged, but it's pretty...
I don't know why everyone thinks it is hard for pacman, everytime I play I get 5 kills as pacman, at least. You just need to raise ghost gravity...
The choppers have so much weight, but its hard to hit somebody the way they slide. The enormous front tire kind of helps i guess...
I see the resemblance to sidewinder and think it's a lot of fun, the shortcut does seem to be the only path people take though.
This is great fun, but somehow my friends can still assassinate the damn zombie... I don't know how, but they can get on the platform and kill...
I actually reforged this map, but all i did was add a weapon: a rocket launcher with only 2 shots that doesn't respawn on either side. That way if...
I hate it when people leave the map, pisses me off that the barrier can't keep cheaters out. However partly through playing I noticed the rocket...
This was a helluva lot of fun, I remember seeing a mongoose fly out of the mancannon and get blown up in midair, funny as hell.
Re: Storm the Beach *BNG Fav* Damn guardians... I played 4 on 4 and I think I got killed by the guardians... 8 times, maybe more. It was a blast...
Wow these maps are all great, I haven't seen a better forge map pack yet. Keep up the good work!
This is great fun, and one of the first maps I played on Halo 3. I still play it every once in a while, but I always get knocked off the boxes in...
Re: Cell Block 71 *BNG Fav* The easiest way I found to do release the jails was quick take your hammer, drive into their base on the mongoose,...
I played the game so many times on this map, and my friends got pissed at me for getting a running riot. This is just a great map, and laser tag...
I played this with no shields, BRs, and headshot resistance with 200% resistance out of the hill. It is so funny to repeatedly get splattered by...
This was definitely would have been the most fun map this year, if i didnt have to explain it to everyone I played with. Once you get it it is...
I played it with grav lifts next to the boxes so the zombies could get up, and gave them grav hammers. It got really shaky in the box.
This is such a fun game to play, I love getting triples on stupid people who decide to try to fly through the air.
I love splattering guys that just got flipped over by the soccer balls and the grav lift. I figured out that if you back into someone, they will...
Amazing fun, there isn't much else to say that hasn't been already.