My last name is Jorgensen. People call me Jorgy for short. 411 is my birthday. 4-11 (april 11th) Jorgy + 411 = Jorgy411 I personally...
I'd be willing to forge with ya. Do you know alot about map creation? or are you looking to "learn" from someone as you both create a map?
I love creating maps, as most of you here probably do too, but i find it more interesting to have someone else forging with me from time to time...
If anyone is wanting to forge with someone, i'm looking for some people to create maps with. Shoot me a friend request on XBL and we can forge...
This helps tremendously. Thank you for posting!
Im back and ready to forge it up! :D
soo...if i'm understanding you correctly, you say if we set the run time min as high as it can go, then we can still use this glitch on a budget...
some of the maps made by kayaman132 have been deleted on DOWNLOAD MAP - Foundry was the only ones i checked. i assume all of them are...
Thanks, but currently i am with out an xbox. :( BUT, when i do get my xbox back, i planned on returning to the testers guild if i'm still allowed...
So what makes my feedback so "amazing"? I was Just curious as what i can do to improve, seeing as your a senior member ans whatnot. :)...
Feedback Posted: Map name: Brutality Ya it took me a while to...
Feedback Posted: Map name: Gatehouse Hope this helps. sorry it...
Feedback Posted: Map name: Bone Yard
Feedback Posted: Great work on a map that RARELY ever gets any...
Feedback Posted: Nice map man, NICE map!
Feedback posted. Here's a quick a link to the post:
I'll write a review about it tomorrow. I always save the maps i test and look at them again to see if anything needs to be changed. i'll have...
I posted feedback on your map. :) Let me know if you need help with forging anything....
Right on, well if ya fixed the break point, put it up in your file share or give me a link to download it. And if i find a way to break it, i'll...