What the **** is wrong with liking certain gametypes? Some people on this forum are so ****ing stupid.
No such thing as overused. If it would work best where you want to put it, then put it there. You guys shouldn't worry so much about what pieces...
There is no such thing as "being overused". If your map would work better/look better in a certain place, then use it.
I have already said this once and I will say it again; those of you complaining about scale issues and little details missing are completely...
Please, just use the default text color. I can't even read what you are saying.
I know that you weren't remaking Geph, but I don't like how you kept the main "big" walkways on the same plane. Simple height differences can go a...
I feel sorry for the kid. He handled it really well, too.
You're using Eazy B's avatar from Neogaf aren't you? Don't take this the wrong way, I just thought it was funny (if it turns out you did) It's a...
And you get to dictate what is spam and what isn't? If this were any other forum you'd be walking a fine line. In my book, the threads are similar...
I'm sorry, but I can't read your text. Your light colors don't contrast with the page. Please, keep the people using the classic web-page themes...
Alas, I had the same problems with Halo 3. I will have a ball with Reach.
Your point is.......? I'm not an infant. I have eyes. I can read. What I can't do is understand why we need all of these threads that do...
Or they were just in Forge and somebody put them into mancannons.
Quite a bit bigger than the crypt, actually.
Quit bumping your thread please. There is no meaning to having two idea threads, especially when one is already pinned. Thanks ahead of time.
Why does this thread exist? We have a thread that is pinned about this very topic. Please use the pinned thread for idea discussion. Mods please...
NEVER. EVER. SMUDGE SHADOWS. EVER. NEVER. NEVER. Very inventive use of light to bring out the details on the weapon. Proportion issues...
I like how his buddy just stands there and says,"Ohhh shiiiit." Then slowly turns the camera off.
Nice and simple. Looks like it flows similarly to that of Guardian or Lockout, which is always a good thing. Nice, circular motion. I do love the...
I wish people would make model packs like these for Maya/3DS Max. I can't for the life of me use anything else anymore because the controls for...