This is an interesting execution of a TRON game on Halo, I don't know where you've seen any different versions, this is the first I've seen. I...
You just need to provide more pictures to show that it does indeed look like a plane, bud.
I'm in perfect agreement here.
Now, hang on a minute. This person's map look almost EXACTLY the same as Infineighty, like those similarities are absolutely unmissable. You're...
Lol, I don't even come here anymore, I am not interested. Thanks for returning the message, though, whatever it was about.
Bump because I suck.
I can honestly say this map isn't very well-made for most gametypes. I was in a party the other day, and we tried out each variant this map is...
Well, the humans are supposed to stay in the Holdout area until the Mongooses and the Hornet spawn, and then rush over there, and then fly up to...
Author: Skittlemeister Map Name: Operation: COLD Map Canvas: Avalanche Map Size: Large Player Count: 8-16 players Supported Gametypes: VIP,...
I was going to pick this, lol, but I decided to use the other one.
Very true, I guess I didn't really think 'bout that. And yes, admittedly, I am only 15, so I can't really go about doing this. But it would feel...
YouTube- Make A Difference Monday #2 (Thanx-Giving Edition) It's amazing how only three of the people gave them proper gratitude. But I so wish...
I played Canon in D Major, and Carol of the Bells. Read Dante's Inferno. Need to read the whole thing. Wrote a bit. Felt a bit depressed....
Elevators Tunnels (that can be placed underground and have access holes) Access holes Cars Buildings Patches of fire Patches of grass Patches of...
At first I thought this was an Infection map, and even then, it looked too one-sided. If this is actually a competitive map, you need to establish...
Getting Assassin's Creed 2 tomorrow, playing Jupiter tomorrow, talked about 2012, listened to an annoying kid in Earth Science rattle on about him...
Where's the love, people? 3 weeks, no entries. I find this ashaming.
I think I'd do something practical, something none of you would consider doing, something that would really make a difference and makes a lot of...