downloading now, for some reason i havent got a copy of this arrwell, as i've said downloading now!
wow looks great downloading now!
Although you're not the first to do this map i dont see how it compaires to the others. Most of them have a full detailed layout of the map...
great map, highly recomended, would download but already got lol
Errr my first gamertag was CaptainCrap159 not because CaptainCrap was taken just because it looked a bit lonely all alone with no numbers. But...
looks great with the mass amount of interlocking, i have a look next time im on
nice one looks interesting ill give it a look at next time im on
i think the reason for this is because foundary is the god of all forging which no other maps compaire this is why its domminanted by foundary but...
i can partly understand some kids being able to play halo but gta thats a different ball game completely, but i surpose i started playing gta when...
5/5 another download
wow must of took a while, good job
nice one doesn't look playable but rwell
cheers i knew there was a way of doing this, my mate was going on about it but that expalined it perfectly:)
wow thats awsome, is it just me or is there of star wars related stuff lol!!!! but good job best ive seen out of em all
good job, quite annoying though i was thinking of ideas for maps last night and this was my best one i thought of but you've done better than i...
it really depends on the kids themselves, i dont mind playing halo or any other game with little kids aslong as their not annoying. Me and my mate...
Having helped about 6 bushmen with the testing on the map, i would highly recomend it, keep em comin' purdy