I might be all wrong and I have not tested this what so ever but from what your saying the first thing that came to mind is kill balls dosent that...
Im with ya brother (misterxboxnj) I too did the exact same thing as you (looking into how bungie set up there invsn maps) Im still not getting...
sweet thanks bro which one should I use INV_WEAPON or INV_VEHICLE or does it not matter?
What I'm trying to do is have 2 two-way teleportels spawn in the third act of an invasion game. I was thinking of setting the teleprotels to...
what up people I have been hosting a monthly L.A.N. party in my area (los Angeles Calif) for a couple of years now and at its strongest we were 16...
u keep playing them and ill keep making em
im glad to here u liked High Treason. that one didint go over to well in this forum lol KOTH is my fav on this map exspecially when u have 4...
thanks guys for all the great comments and suggestion
Thanks man i love the basses to they came out just how i wanted them ok so.........first of i origanly designed this map as a 3v3v3v3...
thanks! i put a lot a work into this one and as far as gameplay u tell me after u play a few sometime u have to think outside the box...
ya im not into the whole 30 degree angle my maps will always be diffrent thanks for the great comments and score i hope u have a great time on it...
As i said before i created this map with 4 basses and merged 2 together to make a totalo of two basses with that in mind there are Each 4 points...
[IMG] I initially designed this map with a multi-team Capture the Flag in mind. 4 teams of 3 I created this map from start to finish and only...
thanks im glad u like the se7enth Column center piece if u could leave some comments on bungie that would be great
right on thanks for the info but to be honest u r not the first DeathToll77 not sure if u noticed but i have no more items left and the only...
Dont really see that but never the less thanks for the D.L.'s and whats the other map of mine that u like
thanks for the D.L. and i merged all items i thought needed to be merged i dont belivethis will efect game play what so ever but u let me know...