i have played and made this map and if you have faster or stronger zombies you will die faster and the game wont be as fun. but it is a good idea...
if you play it,it is really easy to get the guys in back there is enough cover trust me
Zombie Invasion Joker10110 and Tung44 Supported Gametypes: Infection:Invaders Map Description Zombie Invasion is a map of team work and it is a...
i do have spawns inside but for some reasone i have to fix them they are not working but is might look like a small mapo by the pictures but it is...
Boxed In Created by Joker10110 Supported Gametypes: slayer and team slayer Map Description BOXED IN IS A SQUARE MAP FOR 1V1-5V5 THIS MAP IS...
awsome map i helped play and test the map and it was very fun