wow. this is spectacular. great interlocking and beautiful geomerging...and you only used half of foundry! (wish i had thought of that). I...
LOVE PYRAMIDS! lol it's hollow too. beautiful. i'ma dowload, but it looks a bit too crowded for 16 players tho...
Wow this is a gosh-darned good remake. Right down to the little random blocks of cover! (I loved sanctuary)
this looks like a beautiful map. The interlocking looks good, and the covered bridges look cool. :D
lol, wow this actually looks like basketball goals. I like way the bomb is the basketball, and the bomb-planty-spot is the goal.
I loves it. I really like teh centerpiece thing....with the shiney orb on top of it. (the sniper nests seem a little open to me).
hey buddy, your pictures aren't working...."screenshot not found"
wow, i personally love the interlocking in this map. it looks very original, the bridges going through the middle of the wall thing look very...
lol u have a switch for a grav lift :D i love that you put the yellow/black striped things of the fence walls around the holes for almost...
I kinda like the placement of all of the boxes/dumpster/barrels/pallets/weapons/barriers in this map. i think the interlocking is better than...
Lol i was staring at your post thinking, "Blasto O Matic?" then i finally figured out how it works. it looks pretty fun tho i wish u could fix...
wow man, that corkscrew looks pretty LeeT. what exactly is the purpose of putting an elevator in a race map tho...?
do not worry any longer! the powerups have been taken off! i have replaced the link, so no more powerups! oh
Really. who wants to walk all that way from the house to the garage? anyway...looks like a pretty good my standards anyway.
i have now fixed the powerup thing, thanks for telling me. i forgot you could grenade jump. thanks for the comments!
This is my very first posted map on forgehub. My map is called skyline, a city map based off of the map, BIG APPLE, by samples30003820. I wanted...
hey thanks for posting this advanced merging and interlockin, those videos really helped me alot. I'll be sure to make use of that dumpster trick :]
hey i tried to download and it says the map's not there!!!
says picture not found for me.
i would try something like this map. me and my friends played...