This map is epic, I love it!
has the legendary map pack even been out for a month?
It is a rule, not just a nice thing to do. And if you do not want your map to be locked and float to the bottom of the forums, I would fix it quick
holy crapnuggets, that thing is the shiz (and I mean it!)
man that tower is messy, You should learn how to intelock and make it look nice. It tends to help.
Is it me, or does it look unusually sunny in that maps pics?
It definetly loofs fun
Gotta agree, nothing special about boxes
Sorry to say, but it looks like you took the first one and interlocked crap.
was it hard for you to make interlocking look bad caise that would be pretty hard to do. But I think it was a accomplishment
you will be getting a notice about this. You can not double post maps. One of htem (or both)will be deleted. You also must embed pics. Someone...
also, please do not double, or triple post. You will get in trouble if you do that again
looks incredibly fun!
God I hate it when people say that, it makes you sound like a *** with hotsause up your ass. But you should read the rules on posting, it is in...
zoro, he did not know, do not be so negative!
I would suggest a different name, it might get cinfusing
looks amazing, but you should embed the pics
I agree, this could use some pics, but the map does play well. I played this for hours with my homies.
how would you stop people from cheating though?
are you five years old or Ryan Syulgis? Every other word is spelled wrong, You just made my day!