woo its a great map 5/5 the gameplay is awsome rlly hard at first but it gets ez i am a clip of me doing it in under 15 secs lol
wow looks good by the pictures it looks at little slooppy looks like it could use more interlocking and very nice idea love the thrench with the...
heyy sppeedy i absolutly love! ur maps all of them i love your map designs and this is no ecexption its looks fenominal looks WOW! great map 5/5
looks kinda kool but i guess really hard to cap. the flag yah but not worth the DL
looks really good u have very nice interlocking 4/5 for that i love the train it reminds me of that one gears of war map, i forget the name lol,...
heyy looks great but at the top of the hill were the boxes are in pic #2 neer the window panel are little indents bettween them so if you could...
heyy ur pictues dont work in other words "its not up to Forge Hub standerds heres the link to read the terms of acceptence" Click her to not get...
ooooo ty so much might as well.........think of another object to shoot maby fusicon ciols
well then how do i get maps like um..... i fogot there names but i see 10 or 12 maps with people sanding around.....so...i am trying it but IDK...
in forge u put damage resitsance for the human mode at 10% then u jump into the classic ball inbettween 4 plasma sheilds that baounces around...
heyy can any1 help me i try to clone me and when i do i see him and then when i save then resatrt the map he is gone :O IDK why but i need help...
the map looks good but the idea of a mansion is getting kinda old and the mansion doesnt looks that big but i'll dl and to leave on a good note...
looks great 5/5 its amazing to me it looks like the first ramp up is twisting alitttle even if itsnt its so wide alot of room to turn looks great...
yah sounds really fun but u dont have working pictures but still sounds good so i DL
wow really nice banken turns the one doble box one looks a little sloppy but how u did the banken turns with the walls look great 4/5 and a dl
looks good better than most puzzple but srry no dl cuz i H8! puzzle maps give me headaches.....
wow looks good but looks like that hurrincane town map it has the exact same object thrower thing with the saties and man cannon
looks kool but no Dl srry
needs to be cleaned up but great idea
Roll around and collect thing while u roll over them and it picks them up and u get bigger and u collect the universe its aswome tacular lol u...