When I played I noticed the rooms and the grave lits. I played infection on it.
I loved this map. I liked how you got the walkways perfect and got the sword in the right place. I played on it and then I played halo 2 not much...
Dude when I played on the map I knew what everything was and where everthing was it looked perfect. Everyone was like I know this map its off...
I found the switchs very funny like eveyone ran into them.
I love this map. It was hard for me to find the hornet on the ship but it all worked out real well. I fell that the other team had more vehicles...
When I played on this map the first thing I noticed was the front with the open crate that lead into the ship. It was really big inside. I liked...
I had a fun time on this map. I liked how there were a bunch of turrets to gaurd form attaks.
Dude I loved how you made the pallets move. I also liked the room they went in I could crouch in.
I liked the basement but on the outside it was just a little sloppy. But other than that I made an infection map out of it. It is pretty cool.
I really have this map. I liked the way you supported the air base. I also like how you have to take a banshee or the mancannon up there. I prefer...
Sweet I like all of the work.
Real looking.
Sweet This is awsome. Way to go.
awsome map dude. Heaven ya
Sweet map.
Sweeeeeeeet you rule at race maps really.
Nice map pack your are going to move on a great bit you know.
please never stop making maps there to good.
You are a real forger
This is a real life saver. I thank you.