Ok I will give it a try
There is too much going on in this sig, plus the background colors dont match the render.
I will but my monitor is wacky and it is all fuzzy so I can barly read some of your posts.
Hey guys I will nt be on this coming week that much, stuff with school :/
I am as well at a party right now
Holy Crap end this! E93 is banned from this sig shop no one pay attention to him becuae he keeps causing trouble if any of the sig makers continue...
ty *****, lol jk anyway anyone here play tales of pirates?
lol that is nice did you make it?
Thanks for the brushes Al now I think I can make better sigs.
Al I did the finished list, anyway I g2g to bed cya in the morning
Nice pic of a donkey, no lets stay on topic and worry about the next round of requests that come in!
If he requests a sig here again then I think we shouldnt take it.
E93 just wants to complaind to get more posts in anyway al can you give me a list of who is done? EDIT: Opps E93 I didnt want to double post so...
Dont know I havnt seen him on he COULD have left the forums and went to a different on, I did that.
OH crap taht is how they get the armor thank you!
Corey I do not know I didnt make it but it is likely that reaper left forghub and deleted all the sigs taht he made here.
It is ok hey hell I finished your sig but I am making a few corrections check the previous pag for it.
What you guys talking about?
Well I can suggest that you ask Al from my sig thread send him a pm about it, he has a mac (I believe)
No just talking about sigs, no one feels like editing lol.