This map is very appealing as its pretty original not too many maps pull off having a lower central area well but this does, seems great for MLG...
If its a gameplay video the chances are it was done on a pc game and they changed the model for snake? maybe im not sure its very well done though.
The gameplay is fluent, good is only depending on what you prefer - for example if you like rocket launchers and big booms this isn't a good map...
Thanks cory21, when you check it out could you give me some feedback im all for improving things.
Its very pretty :) I like competetive aesthetic maps they are right up my street i will definatly download this it reminds me of some of the...
Hey guys thanks for the comments I hope this map gets some publicity :) mastersync23: Yeah it was originally going to be a train track however i...
Calibre Created By Chicken Dippah Download Calibre: Here Map Description: This is a small map focusing on the team sizes of 2v2, The map...
This map has an interesting feel to it, being very compatible with vehicles so it seems. The interlocking and placment of the whole map looks...
Thanks leopard, Just wondering if you could get back to me to see if it was a success?
Yeah the first edition wasn't to much of a success due to a faulty gametype im hoping the fixed edition might get some attention :) Have you tried it?
Pimps Quest. Created by Chicken Dippah Re-Edit Escort your Pimp from enemy turf to home soil without getting the HEAT on your tail. Download...
To be fair mate, ratings on threads mean little to nothing and Im sure no one looks at a rating for maps and judges its awesomeness to not so...
Sounds like you have this sorted mate :), Ill give it a download looks like a laugh to play Snipes on so i congratulate you on that :)
I think this map looks awesome really I do, However my only concern with this is the lack of cover on each platform, perhaps smallish walls...
My first post back on forge hub :), this map is truly tickling my forging glands! I must say there is no critism on this beasty i love it :)
Yeah of course you can. just make sure you give credit
Personally i find planning easy, I can always think of tremendous ideas and base my maps of real places and unique architechture / however when i...
No problem man its my pleasure, really it is :)
Wow, You guys have impressed me yet again. Before the two of you collaborated I was a huge fan of both of your forging styles and maps too. Now...
I don't mean to sound nasty but I think he was talking about he spent an hour on his post, as you can tell other then the screenshots its a very...