Fair play dude im going to download this right now, im working on a Sanctuary remake atm if you want to check it out. im about 52 hours in and im...
looks good but ive been working on one too for the past few months (Halo Broke) take a look and tell me what you guys think....
updated with more pictures, got Halo ODST so i can start working on it again. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] im going to no clip merge the 'Wedge...
I've read the topic about ghost merging (That the glitch thats been stickied at the top? like dummying?) Fair play it looks like a ****ing godsend...
Well the zombies would have to have a good speed advantage over the human players otherwise games could go on for like an hour :S, and do the...
looks like it would be a pain in the ass to play if theres more than 3-4 people in the room but its definatly one of the more interesting maps ive...
looks nice from the picture but still you could have put more into the picture so we know what the map will sortve look like =]
ahhh i was going to say the middle structure looks vagually sanctuary'ish, it looks like it would be best suited as an FFA map though but thats...
Looks very smooth =], and as for the middle id say put like a big face there or a tall tower (so it looks like the hands are trying to grab to...
It seems like whoever controlls the middle will have a huge advantage over the opposing base, its very easy to camp the other team inside their...
Aesthetically it looks amazing, il be getting back on my xbox in october so il definatly check this out. i just hope the LOS are a bit more...
Yes Death we get the whole thing about you not liking recon, your a very special boy are you happy now? :s lol And dont call people who buy ODST...
Will do lol =], i also forgot to mention that ive done allot more than the latest screenshots show because i did allot of work offline. Ive...
Ok im back =], I've been gone a while because my Halo broke so i jumped on CoD4 for a while. Il be back when Halo ODST comes out and il be back...
sorry been a bit inactive for the past 2 weeks, half of the map is done and i DO have enough pieces left to finish it off. ive worked it all out...
check out my Sanctuary map im working on. [IMG]
Heres a Sanctuary remake im working on. [IMG]
what that i love being a **** over the internet? that i need to loosen up? get more friends/girlfriend? that ive wasted **** loads if time making...
lol oh yeah what part?
I love these kinds of people, you get them everywhere on the internet to some lardass venting stress out behind the safety of his monitor to some...