I wanne sign up GT: D00medcrusader
What do you mean? For the one whit the question how much of foundry did i use i used what most people use i use the squire part and i blocked of...
ok this is the second time im getting the sloppy thing its not that i hate hearing this but can you actually say what is sloppy? so i could...
Well its not bumpy i made it as Smooth as i could (only small bumpy part is the open double box part floor 2) and only the corners are really...
Well most of the map is interlocked but some parts like the sniper towers which is made of 2 single boxes didn't need intelocking because you...
D00medcrusader Presents: Descalation Map Layout This map has 4 floors 1.The underground 2.The bases/some walkaways 3.the middle line of the map...
i will add a object! looks fun Send the map to me when i added the object ill send it back GT: D00medcrusader Btw cant send it right away im...
hmm maby a mancannon suraunded by fences in a room whit 1 hole and 1 regenerator and you would need to put the regenerator near the mancacnnon to...
stop bumping this thread pleas moderators lock this
this map looks great i tried to make a floating map on blackout but it didn't look nice great map 5/5
looks like a nice map and i love the safe spawn point like no map has that 5/5
pleas let it die....
this map looks sick (the good way) and from the pictures it also looks confusing :P im gonna dl it tonight whit some other maps i saw today but...
srry to say this but this map is sloppy and needs allot of interlocking
ive seen this map some weeks ago and it looks great and a lot people are doing this now but yours is still the best
i looks like a nice map some part are a bit empty but still a nice map! and i like the part that if you fall down you have less chance
looks like a nice map but i don't think you should post the same picture twice (only difference it the sign A/B) ill dl it as soon i clean my...
this maps plays very good i did it whit some friends and we loved it and i love the stairs made of a double box i never saw it before nice work!
YOU SHOULD ADD A ROOF *just joking :P* the map looks nice but i think it would be better whiteout the fusion coils i didn't play it yet but if a...
the map looks good ill try it later this night when i deleted some costum content