It's still an amazing map, although misleading. 5/5
Thanks, the vent evolved during the process of the map, It was originally bridges but that was too expensive and I would've ran out of bridges...
I'd like people to play with, I'm not sure where to ask but I hope my sig shows up at least but if it doesn't my GT's Skutskut, I spend more time...
I love it. 5/5.
A hiding room in the complex, also shows some of the interlocking I was talking about.- 2 corner walls and 2 normal, the 2 normal make a cross...
Remade as people have suggested, the first post has been edited. Aliens are wicked fast so that launcher isn't much of a help.
Thanks and if people really want the armory changed I'll get on it, moved or completely gone? I originally had fence walls as the generator floor...
An infection map, based on the colony from Aliens. This map features basic interlocking and S&Q techniques if you want to forge it. Aliens move...
Ever seen a Spartan Laser bounce off a wall four times and kill its owner? Well you will after this....
Pallets fly out the warthog as soon as they spawn :(
Yes I need to make it move, I tried glueing a single open box to a warthog but it wouldn't go :( Oh well thanks for the info anyway, map's almost...
Something that'd hold about 5 people, I need it for a map I'm working on.
Thanks, and I have gotten a lot of complaints about the grenades not respawning, so that will most likely be tweaked when I start mazes again....
Three is in the post detailing it at the bottom there's a link there. And if they're still giving you trouble by tomorrow I'll post a detailed...
Did you try barriers? grav lifts can move those and you can't break them.
Don't focus on the warthog look around for something else. Re-Tooled, tweaked and reuploaded, each map and the mode have gotten an overhaul....
Thanks I'll get to fixing and tweaking 1 so it works with the mode too. Most likely be later tonight or some time tomorrow.
Could you record and send it to me?
Action Maze 3:Revenge of the Maze is ready. It's a bit shorter but the puzzles are more subtle and some are crazy. 3 territories to capture this...
Loved it, 5...columns out of 5.