Wonderful for asymmetrical objective games. Great job.
I made some bad choices 7 years ago and just stuck with it until a year or two ago :lol
Can I get a mod to add in this thumbnail? http://derekdennison.codebrainshideout.net//gaf/halogaf/forge/jengsmall.jpg It doesn't seem to want to...
[IMG] The classic mini-game from Halo 3 returns. Try to knock down the tower as the zombie to win. If you're not the zombie, just don't fall!...
Map Name: Watershed Gametypes Recommended: Multi-flag, Team Slayer Players Recommended: 8-12 Author: MrBig/Mr Kwatz/avp DRAGON Weapon List: 2x...
The rocks in the middle have got a cave running through the bottom for infantry cover. That's the main reason that I have that there instead of...
This remake is not a faithful successor of Headlong from Halo 2, I rather went with some changes that more supported the gameplay of Reach. All...
If someone could find me a render of them, I will gladly do them, but I was unable to find them.
Added to the resource thread. Would someone kindly clean up the mess created in here?
[IMG] Halo 3's weapon icons vectored in adobe photoshop. I will also be releasing my entire Halo 3 HUD in the near future. The .psd file includes...
Yes, I couldn't find the correct font for that, so I think I'll just make a vector of it. EDIT: Better?...
They're just Halo related creations. The first picture is in-game from Halo PC, the rest are not in-game.
Updated original post. Thanks for the comments.
Asylum Re-make of Halo 2's Sanctuary Download Map Description: Re-make of Halo 2's Sanctuary. Future versions may have updated weapon placements...
Yeah I played it with my friends and I am going to add more cover in the open area between the team bases and the neutral base. you can see the...
Only $52 left XD I'm going to the macdill airshow today but when I get back I make up an overhead view in gimp.
One made it to my profile I'll take more soonish
Map Title: Onyx v1.0 Intended for team swat but most other game types are supported Download: [IMG] Supported Gametypes: [IMG][IMG][IMG]...