Thank you for the download! Can someone post up a good review?
Wait, no, that doesn't work. The crates will disappear, but then respawn back at there spawn points - its real annoying. What fun is a drawbridge...
So i'm working on something similar to the drawbridge switch. I am making it on avalanche. The only movable objects I seem to be able to use are...
Yea Sketchup is great for planning, I'm using it right now for my newest map. No so much because it is confusing, but so I can design it before I...
Photoshop :P
Using Google Sketchup In Layouts [IMG] Hey everybody! I have been using Sketchup since before it was owned by google, and never thought of using...
Haha my friends always ask this. But yea pretty much same. Its something to do, and it's a great creative output. I like to express myself and I...
I'd make it an enclosed map. I'd be glad to help you make this map too, send me a F/R, GT: ajpsk8
Great sketchup skills, especially with the dumpster!
Well, looks like I missed the first round of posts that everyone reads, but anyways, I downloaded and here is my review: Enjoyment: Well, I...
Looks good for a first map. You obviously have some insight as to what makes a solid map, and i can't wait until I see what you can do with...
Thanks everyone! I'll be online in like a half hour (11:00 EST) so if you want to play on this map with a few others, send me a friend request or...
EDIT: oh you ment building as in the Furnace structure. Well its not much of a building, it just keeps the explosion from hitting those who are...
Thanks, and please rate and comment on! As you can see it really helps. Thanks, -ajp
Well, the interlocking on this map is clear and looks like it took some time. The map itself looks to be very fun and urban-style. It reminds me a...
I hear you. I hate it when people skim through the pics of your map without taking time to appropriately review the content and are like "its not...
Thanks! Thanks, but what were you gonna say at that last part? Yep, Thanks!
Elder Ball... tehe. JK Looks well put together and a lot of fun. I'll DL and play some games
Furnace [v3] [Final Version] By ajpsk8 [IMG] An unfortunate player burns in the furnace What's in v3: The explosion is back! but only...
Posted by accident, sorry