Wow. Every time I come to look at this forum it's still alive. And there are people here that I remember from forever ago. Just sayin', you...
Hey guys. It's me again. Just wanted to say, Terraria is awesome. I'm now a moderator of the Terraria Online website (Doctor G33K), and that...
I just denied a friends request I got like a year ago. I feel so mean.
The one side effect. The glitch makes it so you have to expend your sniper or glitchy bugs appear.
I was messing around in forge and I noticed that if a weapon is fixed you can't walk through it. So that gave me an idea. I don't know what...
Ooh. I'm very interested in testing this. It looks awesome. GT: Doctor G33K Nice use of the portable barriers, I didn't think of that! As...
Curses. Missed that white spot. Should have moved my blurbs further out. Oh well, 3-d shaking has it's difficulties. Plus I'm quite new to...
While technically yes, this is a silly announcement that no one on Forge Hub would care about, that's not why I'm posting this. After 10 seconds...
Maybe for the imprisoned use a blocked teleporter system, until released they are connected with a custom powerup that makes them invincible for 1...
I think for tax system every block should have a value. To pay off your weekly tax you must reach the value in blocks, rather than gold. That...
I'll still be doing public works after the update. Any towns can contact me for work. Once the server is started I'll be giving options. Either...
YouTube - A Switch Made in Halo: Reach Forge Happy Early Birthday. edit: Ninjad. Well, ninjad since I had this page open a while.
HOLY CRAP! That's a lot of diamond.
^^ Server was off, it's back on.
Did the server just crash?
I didn't play classic, but I assure you you can trust me. I'm only new to RP on minecraft. I have RP'd before, and I'm a walking minecraft...
I'll join, ign is Doctor_G33K. I've always wanted to try a RP. But that much red stone dust for 1 gold? A bit overkill, it really is useful,...
GT: Doctor G33K You can invite me for it.
Add me for testing/ GT: Doctor G33K
Please make sure to P.M. me for all info, it will get the fastest response from me. Also, classified of course, if you got me the map after each...