My first map on Reach. Mainly symmetrical. Two bases with a main room, an internal and external ramp to the roof, and a ramp to the tower. on one...
Hmm, Use of abbreviations, while still looking official: Check Obnoxious linking to everything related:Check Oh well. I'll have to read through...
Eh, I'm fine with it being on a 3-Strikes System. As long as it isn't something like 45 Minutes. and if the "strikes" Vanish after say, 30...
Mine is for RiD. I play Horde on Thrall, Guildmaster of The World of Warcraft Armory - Wafflian @ Thrall - Guild Roster
Camo. Will be a huge help in HLGing
No everyone come to thrall horde so I can show off my very epicly Fail 80 DK who is barely geared for ToC 10! /cry
No, You will NOT remove my precious Debats Forum
You put the wrong scores in >-> You gave me 15 and you 18
OK if you are ready for the 1V1 Message Darkdragon274
Ille Be able to do the 1V1 in an hour or two, Send Darkdragon274 a message on Live and I will respond when I get on live.
I tried to, But he said buying a new one would be pointless as we are getting this one repaired, even though he could screw the repair and buy a...
Well my dad isnt exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer
Good News! My dad is paying a 200$ deposit at Family video to rent me a Xbox on Christmas!
E 74! Now I wont be able to play MW2 when I get it on christmas. My dad is gonna send it in for repairs monday, it says it will be about a...
Well when I finally get home Ille role a Tauren warrior, Ille post his name when that happens His name is Darkdraagon, some insignifigant child...
Are you rubbing it hard enough?
The World of Warcraft Armory My guild Just message any toon with "waffle" in the name if you want in :3 we have 31 members and a Bank tab
Wait is everyone playing on Ony or Uldum? Im Playing on Ony atm, Wafflegank you (Horde) Tell me if im on the wrong server >.<
so you're guild plays horde on thrall? I have a 70DK and a bunch of lowbies we could play togther
This reminded me to train my druid...