I think 343 really did themselves in with this preset loadout system, it essentially traps everything at two layers or tiers, the starting guns...
Haha Pegasi, I disagree. And I will respond to your post piece by.. piece. And, oh, this is quite a bit to work through. um, uh fuh. bud duh fuh....
One thing I like about Halo 4 is the really loud music that's always playing so that if my friends are all together in a room, and we take a break...
Yeah I’m a runemaster too and I think other people underestimate how significantly that talent plays into other parts of our lives
Bad games can have a charm all their own. Either in the campy sense that you can enjoy how bad they are, like a cheap horror flick, or in the...
In a lot of zombie movies the survivors find themselves constantly being pushed back, always falling into more secure locations but at the same...
This is a really good comic and the people that nice guys think are jerks are actually guys that the girl finds engaging because they challenge...
I wish all the teams could win.
Usually very serious real issues are only invoked if you think you have the skill and craft to deal with them, and are willing to deal with them...
Killballs always struck me as something the deisgners put in there to show how awesome they are, this cool fun thing they made, it's not something...
I think if culture is so immersed in violence as something glorious and noble, that it invades most every facet of entertainment, then it follows...
It's a good way to sidestep tough, legitimate critical thought. You can lay claims without worrying about the facts behind them because everything...
This is great, the room has its own atmosphere and everything. My favorite is the garbage can, or maybe the paintings. What's best is that as you...
I've got the flow, check it out. Lay the wall, spin it, rotate it, thirty degrees Line the corners up right cause I got to keep it clean Gray...
I want deeper shadows. I want everything that isn’t facing the sun to be an unavoidable black pit that sucks in all light and distinguishable...
There's a lot I like a lot about this map but also a lot keeping me from introducing it into my next game night. The biggest issue I have here is...
I almost passed over this map because, at a glance, your bases looked like those tiny horrible prebuilt bases that come with reach. My love of...
When this news broke I knew exactly who, out the people I know, would talk to me about dumb conspiracy theories. I also knew that those people...
his death is a joke though. If you heard about this and did anything besides groan at the idiot pageantry you were about to be subjected to then I...
This isn't a very critical analysis of the map but I loved the overabundance of vehicles, and the simple square layout that made up the exterior...