haha very nice idea, bombing people. but from the pics i cant see anyway out of the bomber. is there a way to get out of the bomber or do you just...
me and my friends rofl'ed on this map a bunch of times. thnx for the map
heh im a sucker for sidewinder and lockout remakes so ill give this map a try
lol had alot of fun on this map, playing ctf and all that. pretty good map overall
hmm a map for the new map pack. looks okay. i guess ill dl and try it out
interesting. ill give it a dl
Hmm. Don't really like the idea of this map. sorry to say but i dislike zombie games on sandtrap where the zombies have an annoyying time chasing...
lol nice avatar
You should move the pic from your bungie profile to here and try and get more pics.
wow looks good. although i see that some poeple are complaining it seems that it is a pretty good map
hahaha this is a very fun map to play with your friends. Gj ChipsInABox i really enjoyed this map with a bunch of friends
i c u finally got ur pice in gj fun map too
looks pretty fun ill dl and rate
looks pretty sweet and fun from the pictures. ill dl
woah i saw the youtube video on how to do this except i didnt see the part where you kept having to destroy the warthogs.
woah i saw the video. that was some pretty tight stuff wonder how that worked and how they figured it out
well technically the mauler is used mainly for cqc... you wouldnt really need a scope when the enemy is like right in front of your face or...
i use Boxer/Sensitivity 9 because i melee more then grenade in most situations
my favorite map is pretty much "Blackout" because i just loved the "Lockout" map in Halo2 and seeing it return in halo3 was just awsome.
My Gamertag Is SHiFT Something. i used to have lots of names when it came to choosing the right one for me. So, i just Put "Something" and i kinda...