This is what frustrates me. People hating on others for voicing their opinion on what Microsoft has done wrong with their new console. The first...
I didn't. Only a little.
Xbox One is such a stupid name. I'm gonna get a PS4 just because it sounds better.
Always online is stupid. Glad to see Orth go as his comments were driving people away. I know I was all but preordering a PS4 after #dealwithit.
The problem is you're only ever going to get a 30% damage boost. And that's at the highest level which requires a power rating of 400 (I've played...
So, what EGO ability are you using? I've tried them all and am currently using Decoy. The decoy draws all enemy fire, which is extremely useful if...
It depends on your connection (I think). I've had problems with people popping in late in populated areas, and in the major Arkfalls with dozens...
This trailer has been out for months. Looks funny, though.
So, Execution makes this game a lot better (this is coming from someone who never much cared for Execution in past games). Too bad the title...
Wait, I thought people liked the same game coming out every year?
Weird controls? What do you mean? The controls are exactly the same as Borderlands with the exception of vehicles. The worst thing about the game,...
From Wikipedia: [spoiler] Video featuring gameplay and some FAQs: Defiance - One Hour With Defiance - YouTube I have access to the Xbox...
The campaign wasn't as good as the previous games, imo. Instead of trying to wipe the locust out forever and save Sera, you're just trying to kill...
*sigh* Why couldn't this game be good?
Digging the song. Video was alright. It's cool to see how active you are onstage.
My local Gamestop is having a midnight launch, and they rarely do it. Last one was for Halo 4.
It's definitely the hardest thing I have done in the game. I felt more accomplished finally beating Ingo the first time than beating the Elite...
Things learned from the Battle Subway: Crustle is immortal, everyone in the freaking world knows Focus Blast and it never misses, a Water-type...
Halo 3. Better maps, less frantic gameplay, and the forge creations were original. Oh, and Halo 3 had Choppers.
I like Krookodile and Chandelure, but they don't fit with my current team. Beartic suffers from the same flaw as Emboar: too slow without enough...