there is no good aspect on your map ... this is why i voted '' other''
i'm on a sadistation v3 ,there is some little bug in v2and I'm changing the layout of the map, you'll see that's gonna be better.
i'll change my pics later, thx
dont call your map ''MLG'' if there is all of this weapons : 1 spartan laser 1 overshield 1 invisibility 1 regenerator 1 energy drain 2 bubble...
does anyone test it in CTF ONS V5?
so, nobody else test on CTF???? I would like to have some comments about what do you think of the gameplay!
Who care about time it took me to make my map !?!?! yes it took me 200 +hours just enjoy my map and s.h.u.t u.p!! I started my map since january...
Yes i know , but i used all my OS,camo and all my costum-powerup
i did not make my map 200+ hours in a row! i'm on it since january.... I took my time to make it....slooooowly;)
ho sorry, that's because mlgpro thread is exactly the same post ...on forgehub , i posted the first version on mlgpro, peoples could see the...
use : !!!!!
MLG Sadistation V2 Hey! I'm proud to present x J4G x 's lattest map: MLG Sadistation v2. I worked on this so hard ( 200+ hours of work!!!,)every...