Some slight relevance, in one of the original ideas for halo was a rideable dinosaur, and animals walking around as scenery. Looks like a good map.
[IMG]/obvious troll is obvious THIS JUST IN People think you fail if you can't spell
It really is not that hard. I played on heroic (Legendary is fun, yes, but anoying when grunts like the sticky grenade a bit to much). I don't...
Skate. is THE best game. EVER. The flikit system made this game. And the fact it's one big map, not tons of little ones. I love the freedom. Call...
I actually feel unbeilevably smug for the fact that I got Halo 3 two days before release. I have a pic, proof is meh but I still bought it.
Nothing major happens (I've had mine changed). Your bungie account is still your old gamertag, but aside from that, you're safe.
Well well well, I'm hoping we get some new armor or somthing to conpensate for all the work we'll spend on these achievments. I still need...
That looks 10/10 retarded.
Stealing helicopters from the tour places and going on a killing spree!
This is harder to follow than desperate housewives!
Please let this be true. The less, the better.
Anyways, all us white rich boys like metal naow.
Hulk. Woot. Palima Anderson vs Paris Hilton
Halo 2 is the only other that comes to mind. I'm loving this series.
Lt. = I'm stuck at Luteniant. When I skill up I'm going to change my gamertag to somthing else. P00N = Pistol Own (I loved halo 1 pistol lol) NZ =...
I'm looking forward to metallica. They rock. Aersosmith I never really liked. But they probably are looking for a wider audience. Hey buddy. I...
It's been out almost a year. And it still owns. Wincircle much?
I only have one rule; THERE ARE NO RULES!
I know! THE HALO TRILOGY! </sarcasm> Potato factory, and then the books after it. To damn long.
Trust me. Twelve yearolds are little shits.