Where is a good site that you can find Halo 3 images that aren't screenshots taken by poeple. I remember Inn Halo 2 their were plenty of pics but...
Another idea is to have a elevator shaft with one grav lift on the bottom and a couple fusion coils in the corners. set the grav lift to respawn...
After getting sick of my friends stealing my maps, I decided to spend hours on finding out how to mark maps the right way. There are many...
A house for infection game... now i need someone who is really good with corner walls... I suck trying to align those things.
There is no longer any debate about this. AZN summed it up. They had to apply the physics to the certain objects.
Contact me when your ready.
I am working on making a Zombie house and was wondering if anyone want to help. There is a lot of detail I am trying to put in it and I could use...
I just typed that when you posted >.<
Meh... I average about 3 full throttles maybe a jolt or two... I drink alot of energy drinks... almost all of them
He might of OD'd but he had "thing" up his butt and with a viagara in his hand.... so I mean... weird...
If you put floating reciever nodes under and above each corner or edge of the platform then it SHOULD work. I am at school right now but as soon...
I listen to any kind of rock. I really don't talk much to others so I listen to music at least 12-15 hours of the day.
Well. I am getting back into making banners and sigs for friends but I don't have my talent back yet. If you wouldn't mind, just post a pic and...
Well... finally found a decent forge site with active people.... XfX Catastrophe is my gamertag just send me a friend request if you want to...