Haunted, having elitism is what made people try early in forging.. People want what they can't have.... The same thing that happened to Zombie...
Coming from a ex moderator back in the day, I don't want to be a debby downer, (Nor have I read the 30 pages of comments lol, so excuse me if I'm...
Ha ha ha ha, I've actually seem that video before and it's always funny. But yes Dramatic goat is very random.
So last night I was really bored and I decided to edit/mash a video of my girlfriend trying to feed a goat two summers ago. I put it to some...
Yeah that's really the only thing that made me even begin to think about trying this. Was the fact I had to time to kill over winter break.
My voice is all grown up? I haven't noticed a change since like 3 years ago lol. Maybe it's because you only heard me on my crappy xbox mic and...
Hmm well I'll have to look into it. When i was being taught java in my class we never did anything with applets. This could be a possibility but I...
I haven't look into much about how to package and distribute a .jar file from NetBeans but currently from what I've managed to figure out is...
That's what i meant, sorry. I'm going to put together a computer from some decent spare parts around my house and install a web server software...
I've already got that planned out. I'm making my own web server once I go back over my spring break here in a few weeks. Then I plan on setting up...
Yeah The upwards walking is a bit weird I'll admit..My brother is doing most of the NPC/Character images so I'll have to get him to touch that up....
Just thought I'd share some more progression on the Single Player Java RPG game I've been working on with my brother. I'm currently going to...
I'm giving you a notification.
And countries like Australia and England who have gun bans have higher home invasion/gun related robberies/gun crimes. Than they did before they...
I downloaded it and tried it out for a little bit. I've never been much for FPS's on the computer but the whole game was kinda fun/interesting. I...
Indeed I am working in Netbeans. It was the program we used to learn java in. I know a lot of people use Eclipse but they're roughly the same....
2.5D Java RPG Game WIP created by Myself Just thought I'd share some work of mine I've been working on since the beginning of my winter break...
Get on skype quick? I need you to do me a favor
You a xbox live rewards member?
Okay I'm going to sell my plasma for $50 haha :P. They call it donating but yeah in reality you're selling it.