.like that its an 'updated' version of foundry, good joB.
.Looks way 2 sloppy please map asecond versioN.
.It kinda looks like a krab more than a spider buddY.
.Great map, you could have used a teleporter reciever on the dumpster instead of the weapon holders, but still a solid 4/5, good joB.
.Guc idea but you need 2 interlocK.
.Looks gud but if thats all the map is then its not worth it, please put more picS.
.Great job but you need 2 fix the hill floor, its too sloppy, you need 2 interlock them so its smootheR.
.You should post tha link 2 that map when ur donE.
.Looks to small 4 16 players, more like 4v4 or somethinG.
.Yea i like the barrels too, never ceen anythoing like that b4.
.Woah kinda like freeze taG.
.Sounds guD.
.I cant remember the name of the map but its the 1 with 4 rooms or so on the sideand long walkways conecting them. Stairs and lifts going up &...
.you should have used windows instead of fence walls.
.ooks like nothing like ive ever ceen, ill DL but you should put some interlocking in.
.looks amazing and very original.
great map but i think that you should have more pics of you interlocking and you will get maore DLs
looks great, you should make a v2 with better interlocking
.very kool ill DL.
looks great, but you need more pics