Definitely looks fun, q'ed for download. Though just thought I'd point out: Is slightly inaccurate, it was actually the dilophosaurus that spit...
Go into forge or custom games, and try to bring up your list of maps. It will load them if it hasn't already.
You only think it's a "shitty" ban system because it caught you boosting, IMO. You won't. As long as you don't do things you obviously shouldn't...
Any suggestions?
Depends on the number of players.
qued for download
possible, yes. I just said I haven't had it happen on this map.
Well, I find that most of the time the explosions will reach the doors. I also have everyone starting with swords, so if anyone tries to stay...
The vehicles aren't meant to be driven, they're meant to fly around in the endless explosions, cause chaos, and occasionally fall on people from...
Chaos Rain Created by xxKyuSamaxx Supported Gametypes: Hellstorm (Required Gametype) Map Description Players spawn in the middle of a field of...