first of all, welcome to! second, nice map looks very professional, i like the bumps, try add some curved banks and jumps. good job...
Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢ very proffesional looking, well made
looks very fast paced and tricky, might give it a shot!
its nice, I think you've done the wall very well
lolololololololololololololololololololololololol, ROFL! I love it, well made!
it looks nice, rocket race is always good on hard to get areas, and with people blowing you up as well 7/10
Re: Speedway I think it was very average, just another map with turns and such. WHER ARE THE CRAZY JUMPS PEOPLE!
just noticed those trucks and stuff and though, 'why?' I dont see the point of them exept to get in the way if you fall down there
Re: Nascar style Track...BANKING TURNS another bungie 500 look alike! where are they all coming from? personally i like this better then the...
quote "very nice!" qoute seems, a little plain but nice cheat proof jump! ~JB
Re: Figure Eight nice map, well constructed!
can u use it with every object hence being able to place every obect available on your map? ~JB
something smart and fun, something where its just as easy to become a zombie as it is to kill one
Hey I'm a long time watcher first time poster, and was looking for ideas on how to build a spectatular race...
i personally thought that was an ok first atempt at a montage, i only watched half of it cause the lack of cool kills, just thought that you...