Meh, its not bad, but not good. Looks a little sloppy. The bases are WAYY to plain, I suggest if you make a v2 that you add more in the base,...
Looks awsome, great interlocking. from the pictures, id give it a 8/10 hall 1 looks fun for gameplay :P
looks good, looks good for gameplay, it deserves the feature, grats! you should add more pics though
Great inerlocking, good basic idea. I like it. 4/5
looks good, but a little too big, I'd make your maps a little smaller. I play maps that are huge, and am lost almost the entire time. I used to...
looks good but theres no gametype or any interocking, check out forge 101 for lesons on interlocking and others
first forged map ive seen on this one, looks very well put together, good but ovbvius ideas, you have my dl
Kind of looks sloppy, tighten things up a pit in V.2, wheres the 1st place in foundery? =P never seen it before
great map, i love all the small details, a little random placed scenery though xP
i didnt know these maps got featured xP looks fun though. Looks perfect for its kind
great idea, kinda looks a little sloppy but good idea, make v2 cleaner
looks bad but looks good for gameplay, in my opinion it shouldent of gotten featured, doesent look very creative or colorful, meaning not much...
In my opinion, from the pics It doesent look like i should of been featured, but ill still give it a try.
This post is not up to forgehub standards here are the map posting rules check this link to...
I love the layout and smoothness of the map, gameplay looks a little confusing to me though (call me an idiot w/e) but i guess what im trying to...
wow that looks crazy grats on feature, looks perfect you have my dl
I Love the ideas in this keep it up
i like the idea but Kinda small
looks kinda plain, and no interlocking, imo needs some work
I like it >o< I especially like the beginning start part