This looks really really cool. I'll download but I don't think I have enough Avenged Sevenfold music to play along with it...
Ok... The holes in the side ARE escapable, and the secret is this: when you fall in them you bounce up and down which I found very unique and...
Thank you! As for everyone else, I suppose I could understand you wanting more than just the hill, so I think I'll make a border around it so...
The pit of doom is actually a teleporter pit. You wind up at the Danger sign at the division of the two halves of Foundry. <-- as seen in the...
That's exactly what it's supposed to be. It's supposed to look sloppy, or, "natural." It more like a minigame than anything serious. So I think...
Damn this is pretty good! For an "unexperienced" forger! Neat design and clever idea. And good thread layout too! Overall I think this is...
King o the Hill [IMG] King o the Hill is a simple map consisting mainly of interlocked and geo merged boxes. They are oriented in a way...
Holy crap! My jaw literally dropped when I saw this- no joke. This is easily the most creative map I've ever seen. There is absolutely NOTHING...
It was just the fact that they had them for me. It just doesn't blend well with the majority of the games that people are playing. War Games and...
As all of you know, The New Xbox Experience arrived on the 19th. Now we can create an avatar, which we can see while playing mini-games and the...
Thanks for the response, it was very helpful, I can't wait to try it out!
Holy crap. this is an extremely creative map! I've never seen anything like this! I have similar ideas but never have the motivation to do...
high five!
Holy crap! If Bungie sees this I strongly believe that they would have thoughts about making this the default foundry.
Of all the compliments that I could so thoughtlessly pour out, I won't say any of them. Instead, I will simply say how I feel about this map. If...
this is just one of those maps that no comment is suitable for other than the good ol' "wow." Fantasmical job!
This looks like an amazing mlg map... however, I am not a fan of mlg. but i will say that i love the design (like all mlg maps). But where's the...
holy crap. the geomerging is incredible! i love the design and everything. the structures are so creative and perfectly interlocked. it...
man, I will be playing this for hours, for I am a splatter enthusiast. Great job, this map=endless fun. (not much else to be said really, 'cept...
Excellent, dude! This is a really awesome-ly made map I can tell. The bumpiness and all that jazz is flawless. Perfect aesthetics but as for...