I really love the top structure of this map. It's similar to an idea that I was going to use and now I can't use it because it would look like I...
Hurray!! It's a 5/5 map now!
lol, sorry I must have forgot. Here's the official RadiantOpaque's signature of 5/5. EDIT: Hmmm. I must have already rated this map. I don't...
I think I've seen like 5 "Cross-fire" maps. Or atleast it seems like it.
This map, honestly, looks good enough that I wish it was the default foundry. Great aesthetics and it looks like a lot of time was spent on it.
Well, I for one am furious that this map is only a 4 star rating. Whatever douche bag came into this thread only to give it a crappy rating should...
Kind of looks really dull. No cover, interlocking isn't required, however it will make your map look nicer and cleaner. I also kind of fail to see...
This map looks very nice for your first map posted here. You are a fine example of what a new member of Forgehub should do. The post is well...
I knew that this would get featured. Only about a week and it already has as many views as a lot of the other featured maps. I really loved the...
And your 66 posts makes you one of the more experienced people on this site? No. Not saying that I am, but at least I'm respectful in most...
The central structure looks great with the "barrier-pillars." Just being nitpicky here, but, I am not a big fan of putting anything except for...
This map looks amazing. I like the whole wall idea and the structures on the other sides of the wall. A lot of time looks spent on aesthetics,...
For those unable to decode this post: emergancy = emergency millatary = military minuites = minutes placment = placement neggative = negative...
It looks like you spent a lot of time planning this map out what with the map weapon diagrams and such. Which is why I am rating this map 5/5,...
I'm not a big fan of randomly placed shield doors, I would suggest that you either remove it/build a structure around it. It just looks silly...
lol, did you get this map name from Transformers? Just wondering. Doesn't look like a fantastic map gameplay wise. However I am going to DL and...
This map looks pretty good. I especially like the fence wall "hall" that I am assuming is underground-ish. The man cannons down there add to a...
A map that changes over time... I LOVE IT! This forge technique definitely needs to be used more often. It sparks new, creative maps that are fun...
Just like predator and flymingo said, the "wind tunnel" is definitely the maps main feature and I think you did that justice. Good Work. I'm not...
Really cool asthetics. I like the way you put the man cannons base and the active camo like that. This map doesn't look SPECTACULAR for gameplay,...