For about 6 months after I first got my 360 I kept it vertical next to my TV cabinet. I then rearranged it and put the 360 in the cabinet. Two...
Flash has a feature that allows it to save to the computer. I have been busy lately but next time I get a free weekend I will try to implement a...
Putting the teleporter node won't work because you can't merge with vehicles. If it wasn't for the lazy map makers contest I would suggest...
I found all these online: [IMG] Gator mod [IMG] Xbox laptop by Benheck [IMG] Elite XBox laptop also by Ben Heck
I would try and use a switch to create a lift up. It would be much more difficult but would add some interest to your map. Other than that I would...
Countries using the imperial system: [IMG] America is going to have to switch sooner or later, the rest of the world has. I personally prefer the...
In my opinion torture is immoral and wrong. Torture also isn't totally reliable.What if you are torturing someone who doesn't have the...
1. BR 2. Needler 3. Sword
Many people die not from the drugs but from dodgy drugs. Many drugs like ecstasy, speed, ice and amphetamines are made in dirty drug labs. People...
the only way you can change your gamertag is by spending 800 MS points.
If you did clone yourself would you actually get on with yourself? You might find yourself predictable and annoying because they would always do...
What do people think about euthanasia or mercy-killing? I personally support euthanasia given that the person being euthasized has given proper...
I've been working on getting the sizes right to add more objects. my XBox just RRoDed so i won't be able to get on and add more objects. I will...
I'm against Human cloning because of all the ethical reasons. I am however in support of animal cloning and stem cell research. i believe...
It's not that simple. Addiction is basically a disease. Once they start smoking and their brain becomes addicted, the withdraw symptoms when they...
I'm not totally sure about the details of the war. The US started the war on the pretence that Iraq had WMDs, No weapons were found meaning the US...
I'm totally for stem cell research and I think the vast majority of the population is also for it. There are a few religious people who believe it...
I used to go to a public school. After a while I changed to a private school because me and my family decided that I wasn't getting the challenges...
There have been many times when people have been put to death for a crime they didn't commit. Many years later when new evidence is unearthed or...
I do see your point. However I think that's very unfair on the baby. Just because the mother got pregnant the baby doesn't have to suffer abuse or...