wow. i searched orbital and came up with this. i really didnt expect to find an infection map and not only that you use the pit, and outside of...
this i have to say is a great idea. It helps people make awsome maps outside of orbital. Good map and i know ill dl it i might use it in a map in...
haha omg this is amazing. this is one of the coolest things ive seen on sandbox yet. I absolutley love the aesthetics but the gameplay seems...
wow this is a great map, its really neat and looks like good gameplay for a small group of people. Keep making more maps this is sweet.
Oh i see well then since you used all of your stuff i have to say thats pretty good job you did, and when you are on blue team some times the...
Well i like the idea of the space battle alot, but the middle seems a bit empty maybe add like a battlefield in the middle with debris everywhere?...
I really like the idea of a pyramid and ive been waiting for a map like this Only a few things though. I couldnt really tell but from the pictures...
There is already a map like this where u can fly elephants but i like what u did by making it a batttle in the air. It takes the old map, MAMMOTH...
first i gotta say dont rate ur own map :). Im guessing u did since noone has commented or dled. I think the map is okay. Problems are that it...
I have to say when i saw this i was highly impressed. I gave it a download and tryed it out wiht my friend. We both thought it was extremely good...
from the pictures i cant really tell what this map is about or what you even changed on standoff, try explaining what you did more and better...
Is that a fact? if so id like to see were you found that, and the bible doesnt count
You too! Another pastafarian, i thought id never see the day [IMG] But about the map, this is the funnest infection map in the world, great job...
i dont know about you guys but im a full fledge pastafarian! oh do i love and worship the flying spaghetti monster that created us all.
Ah the abortion debate. honestly if you think that your killing a living cell is wrong and should not be done, then you should be vegetarian....
wow i like every one of these but i got to say i like leaf assasin,one, and stroke the best
wow the blue is alot better than the green
ya, i like this picture but not too original, 3/5
Well i looked through the thread and didnt see these pictures. I found them on...
Wow, very neat and looks like it took you awhile. the only problem is it looks like it would be extremley easy to spawn kill