That's one thing I forgot to mention, but yeah, the new skins are arguably the worst. The H4 ones were generally the best in terms of being more...
Some of this looks so promising. Terrain pieces? Yes please! Significantly higher object counts and (presumably) better performance on more...
That's all true, but I think sometimes people just get tired of swimming against the current. Halo is not predominantly a game to be played at a...
To be fair, Over never liked AAs either. When Halo 4 came out with both AAs and ordnance, and no significant improvements in forge, AND custom...
I will not be in attendance tonight. Actually, there's a chance I might be retiring from Halo. Playing GTA5 the last couple weeks has just...
I believe you're wrong. At their natural orientation they shouldn't shift. What makes them shift is that the map file saves rotation data, which...
Awesome. Definitely trying that. I wonder if you kept switching if you could duplicate the others, or duplicate Michael again... or if it was a...
Wow, that's crazy. Were you on a mission or just free roaming? And how many times did you switch, do you think? I've gotta try that.
Likewise. Best GTA ever. It's not a huge creative departure (except for the three character thing, which is cool) - but it's the best job...
No TCOJ for me tonight - I'm going to be hanging out with my wife, and whatever little is left of the evening will be spent on GTA V, I suspect.
Sharks apparently always pop up if you go REALLY far out - your ship will die and the sharks will kill you. So a friend tells me. I've run into...
I'm calling it now - best GTA ever. The online is just gravy (though honestly I can't wait to see what it's like).
Yeah, I've had no problems and my XBox is so old, Moses was the previous owner. The only texture pop-in I experienced was while playing a round...
There are railguns with fixed physics attached to those pillars on each side of the catapults. I thought about using ordnance, but that gametype...
In reply to the spoiler - yeah, me too! That was a very clever way to do things. It was cool too because the dialogue in that part was in one of...
I thought about that. The problem is that it's on 120 now and the next step up is 150, which feels too fast and slippery to me, and makes it very...
I haven't tackled the giant mountain yet. It's on my list though. I can't wait til the online comes out - I'm very curious how lively the map...
Likewise. And the three-character aspect is fantastic. The scope of this feels really big to me - in the middle of playing last night and this...
After last night's test, I'm happy with the changes made to the gametype. Railguns were more fun and tricky to use than snipers, limited ammo was...
Is your console an older one? I haven't heard anything about widespread freezing, and haven't had it myself, though I did have a couple brief...