Hard to tell were everything is in the video. If I understand this correctly, your map could be a little bit diefferent. Your could try to...
I don't care what any one else says. It looks good to me. Other then the buildings. The buildings could be different. I don't like how there so...
thanks but no thanks. That was not the problem. The problem was that it was set to Symetrical instead of both. No Idea why that mattered though.
Help! I keep deleating a flag spawn point but it keeps coming back! I don't know what to do!
No it's outside the invisable barier. I noticed that the boats would go out there but the people can't so I made that to stop the boats. How is...
I understand. I can not forge. I only posted this to show people how it could be fun. I was hoping someone would make it perfect. I know it...
Yes. I noticed this as well. I think you could spawn a Man Cannon or a Grav Lift in the spot though. Other then that one problem, the map is great...
It's like my map "I'm On a boat" only better! YAY! I like how you added the shooting to the map. It's also cool how the fact that there is no...
Then why was my last one locked? I had a video. Umm and I did use the number. I'll try again though. EDIT: Hey thanks! It works now. I guess...
You can't gravity is to high. And the containers are out of the map. Thers in invisable barrier. Its just to stop the boat. Also the post IS up...
I'm On a Boat! Ok so apperenty my first post wasn't up to standards. (Which it was) so it was closed. It was my understanding I needed a picture...
I couldn't figure out how to embed a video from bungie. but Ok I'll ad a picture of the map.
Uhhh Yes. But Did you not see the link to the video of my map? If the no picture thing becomes a problem I will change it.
I'm On a Boat! Map Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details In this peculear racing map you must move...
Can't you just through it at the turret from the beggining? Or am I seeing it wrong? Other then that It looks like a great map but it is easy to...
Verry good idea. I would reccomend cutting it in half or making it two maps. So you have a nice clan or the mean clan. Too bad I don't need it...
My younger brohelped out on v2 threatening to tell my mom on what i was making. you can tell witch parts are his. I will make a version three but...
Version to is good were it needs to be but sloppy in some parts to make it more funny. V.2 should be out toonight unless I can't get picks! YAY...
Once again you want an **** theme?
Limited ammo with only the BR. sniper rifle has instant respawning ammo on the platform.