Dont toot your own horn there, buddy. YOU dont decide if a map is perfect, or worthy of downloading, THE COMMUNITY does. However, this does look...
the film clip is in the unrendered format. hence, WE, the observers, must have bungie pro to watch it. I happen to not have it, along with many...
I say raise it by .1, and add a small incline at the top of the ramp so you dont bump going onto the 3x3
Read the forum posting rules before posting.
Loltacular truth. Great map, looks hella fun. Especially love the graniteberg. Does it play with Infection? And do you have a recommended invasion...
heres an idea: teleport the player to where the bomb is, and when he picks it up he cannot move jump etc. Then have someone push the golf ball so...
if its blowing up, then use actual explosions. Propane tanks might work well because of their random nature, although potentially cost-ineffective.
Definately post this in the Forge Tips n' Tricks thread.... which really needs to get stickied lmao
Lot of people complain how slow the monitor moves in forge. Heres a technique for moving around place to place quicker than a falcon or banshee...
combo of each. there are ways of making more efficient shield door elevators (ie. 1 door per elevator), and i bookmarked this technique a while...
you can have an object on the reciever node that phase gates at phase x and thus opens up and people teleport
I was trying to make the exact same idea, and i would end the game and they'd all appear at the same time. it was such a nice map too (imo), its a...
Kill balls (and the rest of the toys) can be set to fixed or normal where they will always behave like the physics. Objects like walls, platforms,...
Some objects in forgeworld will NOT move, even if set to normal (ie. walls, blocks, bridges, etc.). Lights are one of those, so they won't move at...
I would love to see infection on this map, it would be soooo fun!
i have an idea on how to make this work, ill try something tomorrow and post something up
i have an idea - you can have crates be the floor, and each one is on a thing pillar of sorts. when you want the floor to "disappear", make...
Framerate is only an issue in forge mode, but once you hit up customs its perfect. Been true since Halo 3.
1. Object menu > Spawning > Kill Boundaries > Soft or Normal 2. Your ideas seem good, try making those first 3. What?
If this was put up for Forgotten Treasures 2, it would win for sure ;)