I need a link, plz.
Assault Carbine, plz?
My weapon slang: Shotgun: Shotty Grenade Launcher: NoobTube1 Rocket Launcher: NoobTube2 Machine Gun: SuperDuperGayGunOfInstantDeath
This map is pure genius. I love it. I even showed it to my friend "JV96" the other day.
If the trailer really does say "NEW ANIMATION!", GOW2 FTW. Halo 3 sword battles were cool, now chainsaw battle animations would make GOW2 sell out...
I never knew that about overheat weapons. I only knew how to do it, I never knew that switching to your other plasma weapon would still let the...
With the name, you made me thought it was a Call of Duty 4 map remake.
Wow. You didn't read the full title eh? Tell me whats in bold in the following. Gears of War 2 Picture Pack.
What do you guys think of the Crimson Picture Pack? If you don't have it yet, go to New Arrivals and go to Picture Packs and Themes and go to...
Re: its a pooping aligator Wow. Why, friend? Why? MY EYES!!!.... And my nose!
Elite 1000GS unlockables? Elite Recon armor? Rogue shoulders and chest? Mark V shoulders and chest? ODST shoulders and chest? More helmets like...
I can has chainsaw chainlink? Cuz in the trailer Marcus was fighting a Locust. At first they were both trying to chainsaw eachother but their...
Never had problems with them. Besides Security shoulders can take a hike. I'm more pleased about Commando shoulders.
I thought Recon was cool. I wonder if even just the shoulders = N008 H4ck463!
Only works in the following: Campaign, Custom Games, Forge Only works on the following network: Local, System Link
For some damned reason, when I go 4th place or below in a ranked game, I can go down on Skill. I don't get any EXP.
Here's my boxart. [img]
Didn't work.
You can has recon boxart.
Some BBCode (cough cough youtube BBCODE) doesn't work for me properly. Link plz?