This is a great map, I really enjoy playing on it. Have only tried slayer on it so far, but I am planning on getting a CTF game together soon. I...
I thought this map was very fun and well balanced. I played a couple games on it and everyone seemed to enjoy it. The only problem I had with it...
Agreed. Have you tried infection on this map? I like the design, good job.
You guys are forgetting about all the WWF and WCW games N64 had, WCW Revenge, WWF No Mercy, those games were awesome. Rouge Squadron was also a...
I like the look of it, seems like you put alot of effort into it. I will DL it when I get home tonight.
This is a good idea and was fun. The only problem was most of the time anyone was hit with an object they died instead of falling off the...
I like the layout and the look of the map, but I have to agree with everyone else, way too many weapons for the humans. You should get rid of...
Nice, I like the concept, looks like it is going to be fun. I am going to DL it tonight.
This is an awesome map. I played a few intense 1v1 matches on it last night. I love the feel to it and the balance. Great use of interlocking,...
DL'd it, was very creative. The highway works really well and is very original. The only problem I had with it was that the back hall is not...
yeah I'm with Flymingo on this one. you should try to clean up your description a little bit, make it easier to read. maybe try breaking up the...
This is a very creative idea and I give you props for it. Not a big fan of the wraith or choppers, but I am going to DL and give it a run.
Looks good, I will DL when I get home tonight and play through a few times.
Great map, really well designed. Have only played with a couple people so far, but I'm sure it will be even better with 4. Good job on this map.
Looks fun! I will DL when I get home and let you know what I think.
Great map! Extremely fun and creative! But I did have the same problem as Shihuru, the laser never appeared on the map. Whoever said the replay...
DL'd this the other day, amazing map. Plays as great as it look, good job!
This map is great! I play KOTH with a few friends and it gets pretty crazy trying to stay on those blocks with grenades flying everywhere. Good...