this in my oppinion should be a featured map There have been so many people with this idea but you my sir are the only one who executed the idea...
Just to tell some people that if anyone wants to know how to do something in forge just ask me because when I forge I use every techniqe I know
all of thse maps need a lot of work All of them looks like they only used like $150 in forge to creat them
Ok I see don't see the point to this map
This will definitly get featured This has got to be one of the best maps iv ever seen, i really like the tunnel thing too gazzilion/5 Great job
This looks pretty hot ;)
Its ok and by the way Pics never explain it all
This map looks pretty awsome though I would have interlocked more
Hmm I will definitly check this out n=but I really want some more pictures because no offense, this mp doesnt look all that great, yet i just...
This looks really cool but may I say that you probably shoulkd have made a non mlg version Other than that this has got to be the most symetrical...
This looks facinating and download worthy I will let you know what I think after I test it
Well that doesn't bother me I thought this website was for abornmal excellent maps and to share them with the world The people with over 5000 post...
this looks extremely cool and creative but this should be in the screenshots section but this does look cool
Looks cool but the question is Can you actually fly it???
Got my download but could you post up some more pics
You could definitly even or interlock things out because its very rough
Yes this looks pretty cool but I think that it looks kinda plain
Hmmm this looks very cool and i could definitly see me playing this but I do think the humans side is overpowering the covenent Just from the...
This looks really cool Though may I suggest that insted of space betweeen each structure, connect them somehow
Thanks everyone I am extremely glad people are acknowledging my interlocking because you have no idea how much trouble I had with the interlocking...