I'd love it if they gave us Campaign DLC, frankly i'd enjoy any DLC they give out. I don't know whats stopping Bungie from going to the books for...
Love this list, I'd fall under Shy-guy or occaisionally Mic-less Bastard. You could mention the AFK Ass, the ones who stay inactive if the game...
Covies can occaisionally be good fun, I particularlly like Valhalla Covies on 1 Flag which is cool if you get a good team and use the Wraith on...
Wow, bet that won't happen again for awhile. And i also suffer from the "I'll record it later" epidemic, The amount of cool sticks i've had that...
Hello Forge Hub! I joined this forum back in 2007 but have only started posting semi-regularlly recently, For the most part i've enjoyed playing...
Colonel, Skill 40 for the moment. Though the game will occaisionally think i'm a Commander grade 2, only takes a quick refreash to fix that though.
In terms of experiance playing the game then you'd rank up faster, as naturally you'd be better after playing Legendary. But apart from that...
Still on my first one that came with the 360, i'd prefer a USB one though as my Controller Battery life is next to nothing, even with the recharger.
Brilliant, will DL, played the original 1.0 version and loved it so this is a must-have.