30 hours ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! what you talking about, this map would take like 100 hours. Nice map i dl'ed, this is possibly the best forged map i...
wow you need more pictures, looks like a good map with interlocking and asthedics but you need more pics before i dl, sorry.
What are the best cusiom game map and varients and why? debate on why it is good and what can make them better...
you are a loser, please lock this thread
what? i don't see why this works, it is a dark room but your pic loooks all white, and btw the pic looks like crap because i can't even see what...
sweet map, if this is how the new foudry is that will be sick...!!!!!!
why is there no time limit, that means that the defenders cant win which sucks, and cool armory because it isn't filled with a ton of power...
really good map and gameplay might be good, but look kinda messy just because you use alot of different types of scenery merged together. (ex. at...
hmmm, because everyone already been douche bags, i wont be, so here is some constructive critisism, blackout really is not a forging map, so...
just played irrutum, it is a very nice map, and although it looks very small, with all the levels it feels decently big
yo whats your gt
Nice work, I would say that it needs a bit more too it, because it looks like you only used a few walls and a open box, but on the other hand, the...
oh yea, FIRsT POST, and it prolly going to get featured
looks really good, you goy my dl. very creative trench idea
your pics dont work... but looks like a great map from the first two pics, one thing i would say is that it looks a it open, but i could be wrong
dude i totally agree, why watch people do it when you can do it yourself... (: I'm not kidding tho, if you watch too much porn you start to think...
hey, dont be hating the smg, its better than a pistol oh, i get it now, sounds like a cool concept. you should make a map around it
ya this map sucks, at least from the pics, it looks like a blank map, with crap lighting that you cant see anything. with random weapons all over.
the human race may have already ended many times before, we just don't know it. for all we know this might have happened like 10 times already!...
yes sure, i will. And by the way, it looks like a great map, besides the fact that im not a mlg fan