Ok,anyone actually played it?Because obviously there is no need for any more post saying its sloopy and such,since there is already 10 of the niw...
Ok,where is the best place to work on neatness?Because I'll work on a better version...
You can get up the stairs.But I thing that you should just play it....Because its better than it looks....Anyways,its not like your ever NOT...
Villa Town is a map i made a week or so ago,and people said that it needs ground cover,to easy to get of,and others,and so,I'VE FIXED IT ALL!The...
Where does the most interlocking need to be done?everywhere?
Ok,I'll try to use interlocking next time....I guess its not that good,because no ones DL it.
Welll thanks,and the last thing I did was rush it fyi,I spent like 4 hours on it,its just that I'm not that good at forge,and whats interlocking?
A map I made,its pretty much like a small town,close range and distance fighting,with snipers,shotguns,swords,and alot of BRs....