Did he seriously call Patchwork a Bell-End? Lol. Anyway, good hide, as always. I should really begin HLGing with you guys, though HLG is much...
Do you live with any cats?
Quotebook Entry: 14/8/10
Alright, I can see how I probably shouldn't share any received private messages, hence 'private'. I don't think there are any rules against it...
Where exactly does it say I'm not allowed to do that?
It was a justified infraction, I have no doubt in that, but I just think some people need to calm down a bit. Also, I don't necessarily 'love to...
They kept saying games for the PS3 are existent so I corrected them when I felt it was necessary. I was being trolled hard. When the convo about...
I was telling people that the PS3 has no games, just elaborate DVD menus.
[IMG] :)
About the GagaLive chat room: is it installed as a product (add-on) or is a HTML code (provided by the service) simply placed in the FORUMHOME...
I got an infraction for 'Purposeful chatbox trolling'. I don't know if going to the extent of infraction was necessary on part of TexturedSun, but...
I'm glad we're on the same page.
This is my first time posting this video. This cat is awesome, so maybe someone else posted it as well. Can anyone link me to the first one if it...
YouTube - Cat
YouTube - Cat This is Kody. Behold his grace and majesty. Seriously, this cat is amazing! Just look at him, he's a ****ing cat! I've sat here...
tl;dr at the bottom One thing I want to share: I used to smoke cigarettes and I quit. Before I really started smoking cigs, I had smoked...
There's also the Moa which can be seen below: [img] They even have their own Achievement in Halo: Reach: [img] KEEP IT CLEAN: Killed...
It's called a Gueta and it's native to Reach. It's also hostile (notice the radar) and it is an obvious troll.
Woah, big font you used there. I won't be judgin' it though; do what you will. Also, you've misspelled 'ants' in the same post.